1. martinet |
mahr-tƏ-NET′ |
严格执行纪律的人 |
Jean Martinet |
a stricter, more fanatic drillmaster France had never seen |
martinetish/martinetism |
严格的训练,严格 |
2. sycophant |
SIK′-Ə-fƏnt |
谄媚者,拍马屁的 |
Greek [sykon] |
fig |
Greek [phanein] |
to show |
sycophancy |
n. 拍马屁 |
Greek [dia-] |
through |
diaphanous |
(织物等)半透明的 |
sycophantic |
说奉承话的 |
3. dilettante |
dil′-Ə-TANT |
浅薄的涉猎者 |
Itanlian [dilettare] |
to delight |
dilettantish |
半吊子的,半瓶醋似的 |
dilettantism |
浅薄涉猎 |
tyro |
(艺术,科学等专业领域的)新手 |
virtuoso, 复数(virtuosos, virtuosi) |
艺术大师,演奏能手 |
Itanlian [i] ending |
plural, common in musical circles |
libretto -> libretti |
剧本 |
concerto -> concernti |
协奏曲 |
4. virago |
vƏ-RAH′-go |
泼妇 |
Latin [vir] |
man |
virago |
far from being stereotypically feminine. coarse, aggressive, loud-mouthed |
termagant |
泼妇,好吵架的女人 |
harridan |
老泼妇 |
5. chauvinist |
SHŌ′-vƏ-nist |
沙文主义者 |
Nicolas Chauvin |
soldier of the French Empire who is exaggerated patriot |
chauvinism |
沙文主义 |
Latin [pater,patris] |
father, fatherland |
patriot |
爱国者 |
patriotic |
爱国的 |
[-mony] |
Juno Moneta, the Roman goddess who guarded the temples of finance |
patrimony |
祖传的遗产 |
Greek [onyma] |
name |
patronymic |
父姓,源于父名的名字 |
Greek [syn-] |
together,with |
synonym |
同义词 |
[anti] |
against |
antonym |
反义词 |
homonym/homophone |
同音同形异意词 |
synonymous |
同义的 |
paternity |
父权 |
paternal |
父亲的 |
paternalism |
家长式制度 |
paternalistic |
家长式的 |
Greek [archein] |
to rule |
patriarch |
家长,族长,元老 |
Latin [caedo] |
to kill |
patricide |
弑父 |
patrician |
贵族似的 |
patron |
资助人 |
patronize |
资助 |
patronizing |
要人领情的 |
padre |
神父 |
Latin [mater,matris] |
mother |
matriarch |
女家长 |
maternity |
母性 |
maternal |
母亲的,母亲般的 |
matron |
受人尊敬的 已婚老妇人 |
alma mater |
soul mother,母校 |
[-mony] |
state,condition,result |
matrimony |
婚姻生活 |
sanctimony |
假装神圣 |
parsimony |
异常节俭,小气 |
matricide |
弑母 |
[sui] |
oneself |
suicide |
自杀 |
[frater,fratris] |
brother |
fratricide |
杀兄弟 |
fraternize |
结交,交友 |
fraternal |
brotherly |
fraternity |
兄弟会 |
[soror] |
sister |
sororicide |
杀姐妹 |
sorority |
妇女联谊会,姐妹会 |
[homo] |
person |
homicide |
杀人,杀人犯 |
Latin [rex,regis] |
King |
regicide |
弑君 |
tyrannosaurus rex |
霸王龙 |
regal |
君主的,皇家的 |
regality |
君权 |
regalia |
王权,王位的标记 |
Latin [uxor] |
wife |
uxoricide |
杀妻 |
uxorious |
溺爱妻子的 |
uxorial |
妻子的 |
marital |
婚姻的(丈夫的) |
exmarital |
婚外的。exmarital affairs |
premarital |
婚前的 |
Latin [maritus] |
husband |
mariticide |
杀夫 |
Latin [infans,infantis] |
baby |
infanticide |
杀婴 |
Greek [genos] |
race, kind |
genocide |
种族灭绝 |
parricide |
杀近亲,杀长辈 |
6. monomaniac |
mon′-Ə-MAY′-nee-ak |
偏执狂者,对一事狂热者 |
Greek [monos] |
one |
Greek [mania] |
madness |
Greek [dipsa] |
thirst |
dipsomania |
嗜酒狂 |
Greek [klepte] |
thief |
kleptomania |
偷窃成瘾的,obsessive shoplifter. not because she wants, let alone need, just cannot help herself |
Greek [pyros] |
fire |
pyromania |
纵火犯 |
Latin [incendo,incensus] |
to set fire |
incendiary |
引火的。n.纵火犯 |
Latin [ardo, arsus] |
to burn |
arson |
set fire for money |
7. iconoclast |
ī-KON′-Ə-klast′ |
攻击传统观念的人 |
[eikon] |
a religious image |
[klaein] |
to break |
8. atheist |
AY′-thee-ist |
无神论者 |
Greek [a-] |
negative prefix |
Greek [theos] |
god |
Greek [gnosis] |
knowledge |
atheism |
无神论 |
agnosticism |
不可知论 |
agnostic |
不可知论者 |
Greek [dia-] |
through |
diagnosis |
诊断 |
diagnose |
诊断 |
Greek [pro-] |
before |
prognosis |
预后 |
prognosticate |
预言,预示 |
diagnostician |
诊断医生 |
prognostication |
预言 |
Greek [monos] |
one |
monotheism |
一神论 |
Greek [poly] |
many |
polytheism |
多神论 |
Greek [pan] |
all |
pantheism |
泛神论 |
Greek [logos] |
science study |
theology/theological/theologian |
神学/神学的/神学的 |
9. lecher |
LECH′-Ər |
好色之徒 |
French [lechier] |
to lick |
lecherous |
好色的,淫荡的 |
Latin [libido] |
pleasure |
libidinous |
lƏ-BID-Ə-nƏs |
好色的,淫荡的 |
[lascivia] |
wantonness |
lascivious |
lƏ-SIV-ee-Əs |
好色的,淫荡的,色情的,猥亵的 |
Latin[lubricus] |
slippery |
lubricious/lubricate/lubricity |
油滑的,好色的/使润滑/光滑,狡猾 |
Latin [licere] |
to be permitted |
licentious |
放荡的,淫乱的,荒淫,娼 |
license |
许可证 |
illicit |
不允许的 |
Anglo-Saxon [lewd] |
vile |
lewd |
好色的,淫荡的,下流的 |
Anglo-Saxon [lust] |
plesure,desire |
lustful |
贪得无厌的,好色的 |
lubricity |
润滑性 |
lust |
欲望 |
Latin [prurio] |
to itch |
prurient |
好色的,淫秽的,引起淫欲的 |
pruritis |
瘙痒 |
pruritic |
瘙痒的 |
10. hypochondriac |
hī′-pƏ-KON′-dree-ak |
疑病症患者(古希腊人认为人的焦虑来自腹部) |
Greek [hypos] |
under |
Greek [chondros] |
胸骨中的软骨 |
hypochondriacal |
忧郁症的,过分担心自己健康的 |
hypodermic |
皮下注射 |
hypothyroid |
甲状腺技能减退 |
Greek [hyper] |
over |
hypercritical |
吹毛求疵的 |
hyperthyroidism |
甲亢 |
hypertension |
高血压 |
hyperacidity |
胃酸过多的 |
hyperactive |
极度活跃的 |
hypersensitive |
高度敏感的 |