1. convivial |
kƏn-VIV′-ee-Əl |
喜好交际的,随和的 |
Latin [vivo,vita/convivo/convivium] |
to live,live/live together/fist or banquest |
vivacious |
活泼的,快活的 |
vivacity |
活泼,快活,有生气 |
vivid |
生动的 |
vividness |
生动 |
revive |
复活,再生 |
Latin [sect-] |
to cut |
vivisection |
活体解剖 |
Latin [pareo] |
to give birth |
viviparous |
胎生的,母体发芽的 |
Latin [ovum] |
egg |
oviparous |
卵生的 |
ovoid/oval |
卵形的/椭圆形的 |
ovulate |
排卵,产卵 |
ovary |
卵巢 |
ovum |
卵子 |
French [oeuf] |
Called (loof) in French. shaped like an egg, so 15-0 in tennis is 15-love |
vital |
重要的 |
revitalize |
使恢复元气,使新生 |
devitalize |
夺取生命,使衰弱 |
vitamin |
维生素 |
join de vivre |
joy of living |
ennui |
厌倦,无聊 |
bon viviant |
a person living luxriously |
French [gourmet] |
美食家 |
gourmand |
喜欢吃喝的人 |
gormandize |
大吃大喝,stuff oneself like a pig |
glutton/gluttonize/gluttonous |
贪吃的/暴饮暴食/暴食的,饕餮的,贪婪的/ |
2. indefatigable |
in′-dƏ-FAT′-Ə-gƏ-bƏl |
不知疲倦的 |
[in-] |
negative prefix |
[-able] |
able to be |
3. ingenuous |
in-JEN′-y-Əs |
天真无邪的,朴实的 |
ingenious |
聪明的 |
ingenuity |
聪明才智 |
naivete |
天真 |
Latin [credo] |
to believe |
credulous/creduity |
轻信的,易受骗的/轻信 |
[-ouse] |
full of. Adjective suffix |
credible |
可信的,可靠的 |
gullible |
易受骗的,轻信的 |
4. perspicacious |
pur′-spƏ-KAY′-shƏs |
有洞察力的,判断力强的 |
Latin [specto] |
to look |
[per-] |
through |
spectacle |
奇观 |
spectacular |
worth looking at,富丽的,壮观的 |
spectator |
观众,旁观者 |
inspect |
检查 |
retrospect |
回顾 |
[pro-] |
forward, ahead |
prospect |
前景,希望. prospective bride, groom, child |
prospective |
预期的,未来的,可能的 |
introspective |
反省的,内省的 |
[intro-] |
inside |
circumspect |
谨慎小心的,周到的 |
circumspection/circumspectness |
细心,谨慎 |
specious |
似是而非的 |
conspicuous |
显眼的,引人注目的 |
perspicacity |
敏锐 |
[acuo] |
to sharpen |
acumen |
敏锐,聪明 |
acupuncture |
针刺疗法 |
[punctus] |
point |
acute |
急性的,灵敏的 |
acuity |
尖锐,剧烈 |
punctuate |
加标点符号,不时打断 |
punctual |
准时的,守时的 |
punctilious |
拘谨的,谨小慎微的 |
[pungo] |
to pierce sharply |
pungent |
辛辣的,刺激性的,苦痛的 |
perspicuous |
说话清楚的,明白易懂的 |
perspicuity/perspicuousness |
清楚,明白 |
5. magnanimous |
mƏg-NAN′-Ə-mƏs |
大心脏,宽宏大量的 |
Latin [animus] |
mind |
Latin [anima] |
life principle, soul, spirit |
animate/inanimate |
有动画的/无生命的 |
animation |
动画 |
magnanimity |
宽宏大量 |
Latin [pusillus] |
tiny |
pusillanimous |
懦弱的,胆怯的 |
pusillanimity |
无力气,胆怯 |
Latin [unus] |
one |
unanimous |
全体一致的 |
Latin [aequss] |
equal |
equanimity |
平和,镇静 |
animus |
意图,仇恨 (unfriendly mind) |
animosity |
敌意. "There is a real animosity between Bill and Ernie" |
6. versatile |
VUR′-sƏ-tƏl |
多才多艺的 |
Latin [verto, versus] |
to turn |
versatility |
多才多艺 |
7. stoical |
STŌ′-Ə-kƏl |
坚忍的,怡淡寡欲的 |
Greek [stoa] |
porch 古希腊的Zeno在门廊宣讲,清心寡欲才能幸福 |
stoics/stoicism |
禁欲主义者/禁欲主义 |
8. intrepid |
in-TREP′-id |
无畏的 |
Latin [trepido] |
to tremple |
interpidity/intrepidness |
大胆,刚勇 |
9. scintillating |
SIN′-tƏ-layt-ing |
闪烁的,焕发才智的 |
Latin [Scintilla] |
quick,bright spark |
scintillate/scintillation |
焕发才智/闪烁 |
10. urbane |
ur-BAYN′ |
彬彬有礼的,温文尔雅的 |
Latin [urbs] |
city |
urban |
城市的 |
[sub-] |
near |
suburbs |
郊区,城郊 |
suburbia |
郊区习俗 |
[inter-] |
between |
interurban |
between cities |
[intra-] |
inside |
intraurban |
within a single city |
[ex-] |
out |
[-an] |
adjective suffix |
Latin [rus, ruris] |
country |
rural |
乡村的 |
rustic |
乡村的,质朴的,粗鲁的. (n.)乡下人,农夫 |
rusticity |
乡村的特点、风格或者气息 |
rusticate |
在农村定居,罚(大学生)听雪离校 |